Nature: First Post of 2019
Pexels, accessed 1/24/2019 Author's Note: I apologize if this one is difficult to read and understand. I'm attempting to wrap my words and head around a lot of new concepts that likely have already been said by better writers than I, but are still new to my head space. Please bear with me. The only conceptual entity that I submit to is nature. I don't view it as a mother. I know it doesn't care if we live in this form and place, or in another. It survives on death and decay, using it to produce the world in which we live (physics through to social, and potentially beyond). That is apparent from just watching a hunt. If you don't learn how to evolve, adapt, and transform yourself and people intentionally with a mind to consequence and effect for yourself and others, you will more likely die and fail to be as well as you (all) can be. Another thing to keep in mind: there is no duality. Pain and pleasure are two sides of the same coin that is sensory experie...