
Greetings, and namaste (etc).

For the past seven odd years (as of the date of this publication), I have engaged in an introspective look at our human societies, and how they work and have worked in many different times, places, cultural, and environmental contexts.  For these past seven-ish years I have written on the Internet (mainly on my Facebook wall, but also on odd publications, such as the Independent Voter Network, Wordpress, and another blog here on Blogger to name a few).  The content is primarily political and sociological, with hints of philosophy, and some quickly precipitated haikus.  The goal has been to broaden the range and depth of perception for the people who bother to read what I have written, and to educate people on the importance of compassion for others in everything we seek to undertake as individuals and a species.

At this point, my digital footprint is expansive, even though I doubt very many people of real significance have read my work, or have actually been influenced by them.  Some of these posts are more professional than personal, and others are more personal than professional.  Writing is a way for me to reach deeper levels of understanding about things I'm processing and experiencing, and I don't mind if others see my development unfold in this digital forum we call the Internet (even if it is less than flattering to me personally at times).  I am human, and I refuse to make apologies for being human. I am flawed in perception, capabilities, awareness, and compassion.  But that doesn't mean that I am wrong, despite what you may think or feel of these personal flaws that I admit and own up to (let's see Joe Schmoe Politico do that).

by elvenmuse

What The Dharmachakra aims to be is a centralized blog for my thoughts that is more aimed for the professional world.  It is here that I will spell out the conclusions I have reached from seven-ish years of observation and experience concerning society, the body politik, and their relationship with each other, the environment, the economy, and agents in the economy.  It will also be a platform for me to address current events, and to hopefully contribute something positive to the landscape of thought that is so often missed for the trees of individual thinkers and their pet projects du jour.

You may call this blog "liberal", "progressive", or even "Socialist" (although calling it "Communist" or "Marxist" would only show your ignorance of Marx and what Communism is and was in the countries that adopted it).  The truth is none of these labels adequately describe me, the author, or what I stand for (which will be covered in a future blog post).  The old paradigms of the world have shown themselves to be inadequate at addressing the (many) convoluted problems of the world, and are frankly based on inaccurate information and perceptions of the world relative to common reality.  The way some practitioners of the social sciences treat their respective disciplines make the study of human societies neither terribly scientific, nor terribly social beyond what's required of the Institutional Review Boards (IRB) of academia.  If humanity is going to have a chance at getting most of itself out of the environmental and social death spirals it's on, its members are going to have to take a long, deep look into the abyss of their own selves and how they personally contribute to the state of the world through voluntarily and involuntarily action and inaction.

In short, we are coming to a point in our histories where singular small mistakes may prove fatal to whole groups of humans, let alone the effects of thousands of small mistakes combined and related into one set of problems.  We cannot afford to continue on our current path of consumption, waste, and extraction for the delusion of endless "growth" at all other expenses.  We cannot keep expecting to do the same things over and over again and expect different outcomes just because the younger generations think themselves immune to the diseases created by and passed on from the elder generations.  The great tragedy of this era is that the older generations have cannibalized the younger generation of economic, social, and environmental opportunities, and thus, ruined their own offsprings' chances at the lives they got to lead.  All for the sake of some stupid (and technically incorrect) ideology, and their own pride and inability to let go and change direction when prompted to by quality evidence from the universe.  With this blog, I hope to reach out to professionals and people in the field, and hopefully convince them of not only my merits, but the merits of the perception and logic that I have discovered in the natural sciences that can be applied to the social sciences, and used to better manage and make choices with the worlds in which we're going to have to live.

With that, I am done with this introductory post.  May I be able to help all beings through my life's work.  Thank you for reading.
