Sunday Morning Musings

Image result for stars
Wikipedia, accessed 3/11/2018

The edge of the universe never comes into being, because eventually, you'll choose to turn around. The bottom of the universe also never comes into being, because eventually you just stop falling. Same goes for the top; you stop rising. Thus the universe is bounded, a finite whole with likely infinite time inside of it. We're probably just another cell in a grander cell of cells, working to develop ourselves. Who knows if that development axis is finite. My guess it is, just as you can achieve maximum Heaven, and maximum Hell, and then inevitably turn around when you reach the edge.

This hypothetical model of the universe as being finite in space, and infinite in time is backed by some mathematical evidence. If the above hypothetical model of the universe as interconnected cells of cells with finite space and infinite time has evidence to support it, it could be a boon for understanding other aspects of our lived world. After all, aren't we as individual humans just a cell of cells; an organism composed of interrelated, and specialized cells? Aren't we, as individual humans just a cell in a system of cells (society), that then has its own properties within itself and the environment across time, space, culture, and species (which could function as the differentiated cells, and encompassing frameworks of the individual human being do)? If we assume the universe is fractal in nature, it could be helpful for physicists and social scientists to team up to study the physics on the social levels of human societies (both on micro and macro scales, and across different features of each level). My guess is you can infer physical properties from the social ones, because our lived and experienced societies are facts in the universe (albeit ones that can be altered and changed based on predefined, if unknown rules and laws of cause and effect).

So where does this leave us? Hopefully, it shows how little we know about our universe at present. I also hope this piece can serve as a lever to move our understanding of both our physical universe, and our socially constructed ones relative to the environment, and other species that are in our universe.
