This I Believe

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Students 4 Best Evidence, accessed 3/3/2018

I would say furthest I would go on the policy front would be to deny ownership of companies with two or more employees to one individual or separate group of individuals. Letting workers have control and ownership of their companies is a tremendously positive step for humanity to take, because it eliminates the incentive to exploit the labor of another for one's own personal profit. It is also more in line with tested human behavior as a social organism both in psychological and organizational studies fields.

I would also support regulation of the private economy based on evidence of what works and what doesn't work for the society and the environment. Some industries also need to be nationalized, or brought under a non-profit enterprise system (such as defense, and medicine production/healthcare).  Quality public education would be provided for all, with curricula that are aimed at developing healthy, happy humans who love learning, and know how to effectively learn, for a society that loves and values them appropriately. Research and development of new products aimed at green economic products and production methods would also be prioritized for grant funding. Other forms of social science and psychological research would also be funded to better understand humanity, and how to study human social systems accurately. 

Other than that, markets are fine to set prices of goods and services across time and space (although I would support the government buying and selling stocks of supplies to help moderate them through influence supply and demand), and individuals should get some profit for their efforts (otherwise, people won't bother). I think that Communism, where the government owns everything, is not as effective or efficient as Socialism, defined by worker ownership of companies, and actually has many of the same risks and outcomes as laissez-faire Capitalism. Centralized wealth and authority have a tendency to exclude others from partaking of the social and economic wealth. Capitalism and Communism both centralize wealth and power, just in with nominal differences in who receives the net benefit from the arrangement. The former centralizes wealth and power in the hands of a few Capitalists, and Communism centralizes wealth and power in the hands of a few politicians.

Non-violent, appropriately stratified, democratic forms of government that seek to include perspective, feeling, and sentiments of private citizens meaningfully are likely critical for the sustainability of the human enterprise called society. People in these positions of authority need to be embedded in systems that deliver effective, accurate, and timely feedback from the society they're working with. For example, the brain is that governs the body is also a part of the body, and is impacted by independent causes from the body. The brain also does not actively work against or over the body, but with it and its physiological features to produce living organisms. The brain is connected to the body, just as much as the body is connected to the brain. The two can be seen as one, and neither step on the others' toes without ill health and potential death resulting for the whole organism.

This is based on observations and lines of reasoning I've been developing for the past 8ish years (as of 2018 CE). This is applicable for federal and national governments. These may not be appropriate for sub-national governments. That set of structures should be limited to what is already understood and accepted by the local people, with higher levels serving those lower levels of government, to make for a more robust nation. The United States has three to five levels of government (depending on the state) in addition to the three branches of the federal government, as one example. This dynamic relationship set is something that can be explore more extensively in laboratory and natural settings, to see what can work best for all parties involved. 

By executing government in this more effective, efficient, and compassionate fashion, you build a greater sense of nation, community, belonging, and resiliency against the worst nature and others can throw against us. Let people have ownership of wealth and nation, and simply help steer and direct as best as you can, with evidence as your guide and honesty at the forefront. Include them in decision-making in meaningful and significant ways, and don't be afraid to let others shine. If their ideas aren't healthy, it will loop back on itself and be readily made apparent. It may take awhile, but it does happen as predictably as a well-thrown boomerang returning to the thrower.
