An Assortment of Thoughts

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Phil Simon, accessed 8/30/2018

A lack of legal, social, and economic adaptation and change is a society's death sentence. You cannot stop the world from changing, especially not by looking backwards at a shrinking past that's only a faultily recorded memory at best. 

As wealth and influence concentrates in the hands of few who are not committed to other people, it comes at the expense of everyone else. As the environment erodes from the lack of effective responsiveness by those few who ended up with the influence in the society, the life of even the few becomes put at stake, because they are a part of this universe too. We, as humans, have the power to change and create our world on a micro and macroscale. It's true that the dynamics between these two concepts need to be studied and studied quickly and well. But that doesn't mean it's impossible with current technology. But we can't afford the excesses of the Capitalistic individuals at our expense, or the lack of care from those who are not expressing the anti-social phenotype(s). This is a question of public health and survival. Status only enters into things when it comes to technical placement of people relative to skills and interests, and hierarchies are also technically designed structures that may or may not operate well internally and externally with its environments. Wealth needs to be shared out equitably among those who produce it, and opportunities granted to those who otherwise are marginalized, and historically excluded from human societies. We work better as a big ol' diverse group of groups, who live, work, breathe, eat, die, and sleep together (also to make children). That's how you take get great advantages in society in terms of physical and psychiatric health, as well as in opportunities for economic development and further developing of humanity beyond where we're currently at now. The journey begins. This isn't a drill. We need to get this done, and it needs to be done well.

A fact of the matter that gets neglected, is that problems of public sector organization are the same as private sector organization. The difference comes in the different roles that they need to play within the group. Private sector organizations may do the foraging for themselves, and provide wealth and goods to the rest of society. They may be regulated by a public sector organization, who needs to be free to determine the rules and enforcement mechanisms independently of and superior to the private sector's input. The public sector organizations then shape the private sector organizations, the society, and the environment through changes in law, law enforcement, policy design, and program execution. This is done with the consent of all the human society, not just those who can afford to pay significantly enough to play. Remember, we all elect our top officials, and consent to their presence in office; no executive or shareholder is elected to their company's positions by a vote from the nation. A public sector that serves only wealth private interests, be they in the government directly, or influencing the government indirectly outside of it, or both, is toxic for the human society, and needs to be disposed of by the population. Preferably this gets done peacefully through free, honest, and accurate democratic elections, and not through extralegal activities. 

If extralegal activities end up being considered legitimate by the in action and direct/indirect participation by a large portion of the social group, it can topple the old political order, and the people who support it. The trick is in maintaining good relations throughout the campaign with the population, and behaving as such even after you have assumed official positions in society. This may mean persuading friends and allies to leave peacefully for not being a good fit for a position, or by being removed from office yourself by people who hopefully are friends and allies who understand what they're doing. The only thing that's wrong is causing harm to other people intentionally, with malice, or out of willful and consistent ignorance. Nobody's got time for that negativity.
